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The Font Trobada Flour Mills

On the 30th December, 2010, we visited the Font Trobada Flour Mills in Santa Margarida de Montbui. This is a private tourist structure which lets people approach the old millers’ craft.

Visiting the old mills is complemented with didactic activities aimed to schoolchildren (nurseries, elementary schools, and secondary education students). Through some didactic downloadable files posted on the Mills’ website, the students assimilate the visit’s concepts and are able to deep into the functions of a mill and its surroundings.
After watching an audiovisual presentation about the miller’s craft, Mrs. Beneta Planell gave us a guided tour through the two mills (XVII and XVII centuries).

We are very grateful to Mrs. Beneta Planell for her excellent welcome and the attention given to us.

Translated by Javier Quiroga, Silvia Vives and Lissette Torres