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Consorci de Promoció Turística de l'Alta Anoia (Alta Anoia Turism Promotion Consortium)

On the 12th January, 2011, we visited the new Alta Anoia Turism Promotion Consortium facilities in Prats de Rei. There, we were welcomed by Montse Fernádez, one of the consortium’s technicians. She went with us through the installations while explaining its functions. The ground floor is given over the tourist information office, the BTT centre (including a bike repair shop and showers for the guests), an agro-shop area and a kitchen for the artisans nearby to undertake their activities. On the second floor there is a business incubator for the enterprising people from the area to launch their activities in an appropriate space, with the right equipments.

After that, in the conference room, Montse Fernández and Paquita Izquierdo showed a Power Point presentation about the different projects they carry out. These projects range over many objectives such as rural economy diversification in Alta Anoia, emergent sectors’ dynamizing projects fostering and supporting, or tourism products development. The next speech, put forward by Paquita Izquierdo, was about the SICTED quality system.

We really appreciate both consortium’s technicians’ dedication and their generosity for letting us know such interesting projects. We are looking forward collaborating with them in the near future.

Translated by Silvia Vives and Lissette Torres